Thursday, January 20, 2011

Ahhh. . .Learning. . . . !

I've been thinking about my thinking (meta-cognition) all week.  That stream of consciousness tells me the plethora of new learning I've been exposed to is beginning to make sense.  Reading and sharing posts on Diigo, especially those about 21st Century Skills and Imagination/Play have challenged me in new ways.  I am oh, so aware that in order to transition from my old classroom ways of teaching into new on-line classroom ways of teaching is going to take some hard work.  An ease and familiarity with new technological tools and methods is required.  My motivation is high as I seek to accomplish this goal by interacting with my classmates and instructors.  Their inspiration and leadership are definitely nudging me toward a new level of expertise, although increased time on task is required.  How wonderful to know there is a world of knowledge, new concepts, questions, and perhaps some answers as well, available "out there" through the borders of my computer screen.  It's odd to think that all of it is accessible with just a few clicks!  Yet from time to time, I feel the need to touch base face to face with colleagues, soliciting their perspectives on this 21st Century way of learning.  Such a meeting took place just the other day--it was refreshing to see the eyes and body language of my classmate as we discussed some of the reading each of us had been doing.  Now, when I log in to our discussion boards, it is easier to "hear" her voice as I read her words.  The "connection" has been made!

I look forward to discovering what my "voice" will "sound" like as I participate in the collaborative project module coming up.  I'm eager to see how well my current thinking and past successful classroom strategies will translate into the new on-line classroom format.

1 comment:

  1. this is great to hear
    "Now, when I log in to our discussion boards, it is easier to "hear" her voice as I read her words. The "connection" has been made!"
    Giant step forward
