Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Social Bookmarking

Diigo, the new tool I'm using in both EDUC250/251 is spectacular.  It offers a way for me to connect with colleagues and classmates to share, discuss, and digest educational materials, articles, and ideas.  I have been moderately active on this site for my 251 class by sharing links, ideas, and comments regarding other peoples' posts and can readily see how it applies to the future design of courses I might teach.  A minor disadvantage to using this site is that sometimes the feedback from other readers is not speedy and sometimes others do not choose to comment, perhaps because they did not read an article that I posted.  In a classroom--traditional or online--it would be important to set some type of  time parameter so that interactive assignments dependent on exchange between students using Diigo would foster timely forward movement of the assignment.

In short, this program offers a wealth of opportunity as well as excellent tools that foster online sharing with colleagues and students!  I plan to continue exploring options for its use.

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