Thursday, January 27, 2011

Cognitive Presence

Past learning experiences and face-to-face interaction with colleagues and other peers had a "consciousness" about it--I/they was/were aware of my intellectual capabilities as well as what new ideas I was putting forth for the task at hand, yet I never considered this to be a "cognitive presence", it was simply MY presence and all that encompassed.  Now, I understand that this same type of "presence" exists in my virtual life online, although in a more concrete fashion, i.e, words and ideas on a page.  This is a brand new way of thinking for me as previously I only used a computer for email, research, and writing docs to be printed!

With the advent of my eLearning classes this Winter Quarter, I'm gaining skills that will assist me in attaining my twin goals of becoming an online instructor and writing curriculum for possible use by other instructors.  Definitely I need much more practice to develop these skills and the easy confidence I believe is necessary for actualizing these goals, yet I'm slowly inching forward.

Connecting with peers is easier for me in person but I am enjoying "meeting" my classmates on line through their words.  I hope/plan to increase my interaction with them as the Quarter progresses.  I'm not overly concerned about any of the academic or social expectations of the course, but thinking about my structuring my Google Profile did give me a bit of hesitation as I toyed with the idea of being so "available and visible" to people out there beyond the privacy settings I establish.


  1. Loved reading this Mary Ann. It is so how I expect you to be!

  2. Mary Ann...I agree with your one statement about connecting with peers is easier in person. I find it difficult, but doable, in an online environment.

  3. I also agree with the difficulty in making the same kind of connections online as you do in person. I've made it a point to go to conferences and meet a lot of my online contacts, because I feel you just can't replicate that kind of connection. However, I'm cautious now about comparing face-to-face with online. One isn't better than the other. They're just different. There are so many wonderful people I've met online and never had a chance to meet in person. Relationships are different, but there are new kinds of intimacies, and I'm learning to appreciate them. I'm glad you are enjoying the interaction with the other students!
