Monday, March 7, 2011

EDUC251 Module 7 Portfolio Activity: WELCOME TO THE GALAPAGOS ISLANDS!

This posting is to satisfy Activity 7.4 of Module 7 in EDUC251, that is, the design of a learning activity for our Course Framework complete with introduction, instructions, grading, and resources.  Please note that this Course is being created for Middle School students 13-14 years of age.  Currently, it is for students in a full time online science "classroom" or a hybrid classroom setting, but with a few tweaks this course could be  geared up for older students (high school and beginning college level).

Introduction:  Welcome, "Scientists", to the Galapagos Islands!  You will spend time here with your colleagues learning about the Islands: their flora/fauna, geology, marine, and human environments, as well as the major issues surrounding biodiversity and sustainability practices here.  You are probably asking yourselves, "What is biodiversity and what are sustainability practices?"  That mystery will be solved quickly as you begin your research.

Learning Outcomes:  At the end of this Module you will be able to:

     1. Define the terms, biodiversity and sustainability practices and apply your definitions to the Galapagos Islands.

     2. Begin development of a Field Notes Journal that will catalog all of your research findings, musings, and questions gathered during your stay in the Galapagos Islands.

     3.  Use your current skill with these online tools (Diigo, VoiceThread,Google Docs, Discussion Boards/Spreadsheets) to share your initial research results with the other research teams.

Activity 1:

     1. Locate your research team of four students in the spreadsheet on our class Discussion Board.
     2.  Begin your initial team research by "touring" the Islands through the eyes of your Galapagos Guide (instructor). Your team may click on this link to connect to the "tour".
     3.  "Open" your individual Field Notes Journal (Google Blog) and record your impressions of the "tour", also noting any questions you have about your experience.
    4.  In your team, discuss each scientist's field notes then create a Voice Thread document summarizing your teams' "tour" impressions and questions.  Post a link to your Voice Thread on our class Diigo account so that other teams may listen, view, and respond with a comment on at least one other Voice Thread summary.

Assessment:  Scientists will receive full credit for completing each portion of Activity 1. Your Galapagos Guide will read all Field Notes Journals, posting her comments or questions in each journal and will follow the Voice Thread links you have posted in Diigo, adding her evaluative comment to each Voice Thread.

1 comment:

  1. This is going to be such a wonderful adventure for students! I'm glad you had such a great time Pulling it all together and learning new tools. Thanks for sharing this!
