Saturday, March 12, 2011

Reflection of eLearning so far in EDUC250

To date, we have been presented with numerous challenges designed to lead us toward the goal of becoming effective online educators.  I have at times felt overwhelmed, challenged, confused, excited, frustrated, encouraged, and successful as I have taken this learning journey.  In truth though, I can unequivocally state that this has been one of the most wonderful journeys I've ever taken!  I think this is so because 100% of the course material was new to me!

Thanks to the step by step guidance of a very skillful instructor, I am nearing the end of the learning path with valuable skills of my own!  These skills:  using a variety of Search Engines, posting to class Discussion Boards, posting to Diigo, responding critically to the work of other students, working collaboratively with a classmate to develop a Google Presents document, learning to use Voice Thread, Wikis, Google Blogger, Animoto, Jing/Screencast, as well as designing an activity for an online Learning Module are among my many take-aways from EDUC250--Introduction to eLearning.

As a future online teacher, I will be able to select appropriate online tools supporting the learning outcomes I set for my students;  I will be able to search quickly and effectively for needed information using Advanced Search techniques on any of the many Web Search Engines; I will be able to create meaningful Learning Modules for my students containing clear directions, assessment rubrics and step by step instructions; and I will know how to teach about copyright laws and plagiarism so that my students will be effective online students producing quality products.  Creating a professional online presence is another among my developing skills. Using my own ePortfolio as an example, I will be able to show my students how to do the same for themselves.  It is never too soon to learn how to present oneself professionally!

Wow, thats a lot of learning!!

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