Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Draft of an eLearning Module for EDUC250 Presentation on 3/1/11

Introduction:  You were introduced to the bio and geo diversity of the Galapagos Islands in Learning Module 1 as you viewed and discussed the slide presentation of your instructor's trip.  For this Module, you will be working as "scientific research teams" investigating sustainability practices in the Galapagos Islands.

Learning Outcomes:  At the end of this Module you will be able to:
     1. Describe the sustainability practices currently in place in the Galapagos  Islands.
     2. Explain how scientists and stakeholder organizations (both Ecuadorian and other world groups) are able to influence the implementation of sustainable practices for the Galapagos Islands.

Activity 1: You will begin this activity by forming a research team of 3-4 student scientists.  Post your team members' names on our class spreadsheet available on the Discussion Board then indicate which one of the listed Search Engines (Yahoo, Bing, Google, Ask.com) your team will use to do its' research.  With each team using a different one, we are likely to get very diverse information for discussion.  Follow the steps below to complete this activity:

     1. Find and review three examples of sustainability practices currently in use for the marine, flora/fauna, geologic, and human environments of the Galapagos Islands (they may be videos or text or a combination).

     2. Bookmark these examples in Diigo with the appropriate URL and add a summary comment about the information.

     3. When all teams have bookmarked their examples, each student scientist should read or view the information provided by another team then write a summary of what he/she learned overall (including your teams' research findings) and post it to his/her personal blog site.

     4. Once the blog post is complete, provide a link  in Diigo so that all student scientists may read what you, as a student scientist, have learned.

Assessment: Completion of the team research, Diigo posting of research findings, and personal blog  summary of your overall research learning will be used to reflect your understanding of Learning Outcome 1.


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