Saturday, February 5, 2011

Collaborative Process and Google Presents

Collaborating online was an exciting learning experience for me, yet I entered into it with a bit of trepidation, mostly because the tool we were asked to use (Google Presents) was new to me.  Having made only a few Power Points in the past, I was eager to discover how this format compared.  It became apparent quite quickly that Google Presents was both similar and easier to use because the options were more limited than those of PP.  What made it truly unique, though, was the ability to work simultaneously with another to create a product reflecting both of our contributions!  

My partner and I used our cell phones and Google Presents simultaneously.  That way we were able to clearly communicate our ideas and editing suggestions.  I was enchanted with seeing new text appear on the screen  as my partner typed--it had the appearance of "magic"!  Likewise, I imagine she was enchanted with the "arrival" of images as I uploaded pictures from my Galapagos Islands trip that added both color and a "beach theme" we wanted to feature.  The give and take process of discussion and decision making regarding color scheme and wording was terrific.  Never before have I engaged in developing a  collaborative project without once making eye contact with my classmate!  What a perfect method to learn first hand how digital tools and learning have changed and expanded the world of education.  I'm thrilled to know that Google Presents is now part of my "teacher bag of tricks"--it will definitely become an integral  piece of future assignments with my students!

Completing our project took several collaborative hours as well as several solitary hours, yet what fun to  view the finished product, congratulating one another for our successful accomplishment!

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