Saturday, February 26, 2011

PLE Reflections (EDUC250)

A new window opened for me today--one that looks out on a Personal Learning Environment or PLE.     It is not a definable location, rather it is an ethereal dimension characterized by all of one's social media connections, a variety of web tools, and even some very concrete tools like notebooks, journals, and PEOPLE!  Although my particular PLE is not very "digital" at the moment, it does include an "80 something" teacher mentor from the early days of my career.  She has been most influential in guiding the development of my pedagogy through the years as we have taught together, served on a Board of Directors together, offered in-service opportunities for teachers, and co-authored a book about curriculum development (yet to be published).  Facebook and Linkedin accounts as well as my online connections with the students/instructors of EDUC250/251 comprise the current digital piece of my PLE. I understand how important it is in this 21st century world of ours, to be represented and educated digitally.  Hence, I fully intend to expand my network and successful use of online tools as I begin to change course in my teaching career.  I would like to develop a very professional website, showcasing my skills and accomplishments as well as begin to connect with other professionals through Twitter and other social networking tools.  But. . .  I will not let go of my books or in-person connections--these concrete friends continue to be my Personal Learning Environment of choice!!

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